
1988年6月2日 第17回東京音楽祭(17th Tokyo Music Festival)



https://www.weibo.com/zhongaiguoli より

1988年5月30日,鄧麗君(前排右一)與翁倩玉、陳美齡、谷村新司等歌星出席「第十七屆東京音樂節」新聞發佈會。音樂節共分四晚不同主題的演出,五月卅一日為「搖滾日」、六月一日為「亞洲日」、六月二日「特別嘉賓日」、六月三日「今日音樂」。鄧麗君和一眾歌星則安排於「亞洲日」同台演出。 在發佈會上鄧麗君和一群娛樂記者談笑風生,她極力否認關於退出娛樂圈的傳聞,她承認在港台樂壇放慢了腳步,主要原因是要全神關注於日本市塲,今年比較積極參與日本的宣傳活動,還要一連宣傳「別離的預感」、「戀人們的神話」兩首歌呢! 席上還有記者談到:「妳的港台經紀人Angeline 怎麼沒來?」鄧麗君笑說:「她現在在學校教課,沒空,她只幫我負責港日活動的聯系,來到日本就有唱片公司同事接待了。」 談到近況,她說:「這兩年最常到歐洲旅遊和學習聲樂,還有買漂亮的衣服,我覺得他們的設計很有時代氣息,這次就一口氣買了不少,正好在日本演出時派上用場。」

Google Translateによる英訳

On May 30, 1988, Teresa Teng (front row, right) and the singers such as Weng Qianyu, Chen Meiling and Gu Cunxin attended the press conference of the 17th Tokyo Music Festival. The festival is divided into four different performances, including "Rock Day" on May 21, "Asia Day" on June 1, "Special Guest Day" on June 2, and "Today Music" on June 3. . Teresa Teng and a group of singers are scheduled to perform on "Asia Day". 
 At the press conference, Teresa Teng and a group of entertainment reporters talked and laughed. She strongly denied the rumors about withdrawing from the entertainment circle. She admitted that she had slowed down in the music scene in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The main reason was to pay attention to the Japanese market and to participate actively in Japan this year. Publicity activities, but also to promote the "pre-emptive hunch" and "the myth of lovers" two songs! There was a reporter on the table saying: "Why didn't the Hong Kong and Taiwan agent Angeline come?" Deng Lijun said with a smile: "She is teaching at school now, she is not available. She only helps me to contact Hong Kong and Japan activities and come to Japan. There are record company colleagues who have received it." Speaking of the recent situation, she said: "In the past two years, I have traveled to Europe to study and learn vocal music, and to buy beautiful clothes. I think their designs are very contemporary. I bought a lot of them this time, just in Japan. It comes in handy."

(写真と説明 https://www.weibo.com/zhongaiguoli)


(写真 https://www.weibo.com/zhongaiguoli)


(写真 https://www.weibo.com/zhongaiguoli)

On Teresa Teng

2018年。今頃になって、突然テレサ・テンのファンになりました。 テレサ・テンの人となりや、そしてもちろん歌も知りたいと思い、分かったことについて、自分のためにまとめていきます。


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